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  • Small Effort
    Make Big Change.
    Our vision is a world where animals live free from suffering
    together we can move the world for animals
  • You Can Make A
    Help people affected by disasters big and small
  • How to Help
    World Animal
    Help people affected by disasters big and small

Take action for animals now

Animals around the world need people like you. Find out how you can help us move the world to protect animals, and give them better lives.

Our vision is a world where animals live free from suffering - together we can move the world for animals

Animal Protection

Animal Protection

From educating students to rescuing animals in disaster zones - learn what we do and where

Our work

Our work

From educating students to rescuing animals in disaster zones - learn what we do and where

Take action

Take action

From educating students to rescuing animals in disaster zones - learn what we do and where

You Can Make A Difference

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Animals Rescued
Adoptions from the Center
14M $
Granted to Animal
Surgeries Performed

Featured Campaigns

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Help the center Put a Stop to Animal Cruelty

Animals around the world need people like you. Find out how you can help us move the world to protect animals, and give them better lives.

Latest Campaigns

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus lorem ipsum dolor.

Current $6,000.00
Target $16,000.00

Cane to Candy from an 1800's farm to you.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac neque at mi elementum gravida et vitae elit.

expired Days to go - 37.5% Funded
Current $6,000.00
Target $25,000.00

Project: Move to Japan!!!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac neque at mi elementum gravida et vitae elit.

expired Days to go - 24% Funded
Current $6,000.00
Target $12,000.00

A modern day love note messenger

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac neque at mi elementum gravida et vitae elit.

expired Days to go - 50% Funded
Current $5,000.00
Target $15,000.00

Build school for children

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ac neque at mi elementum gravida et vitae elit.

expired Days to go - 33.3% Funded

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Meet Our Volunteers

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More ways you can help

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Campaign with us

For a safer world for animal

Running events

Running events

For a safer world for animal

Campaign with us

Campaign with us

For a safer world for animal

Campaign with us

Campaign with us

For a safer world for animal